Legal Scientific Advice

Legal Scientific Advice

The Levinson - Dror Law Firm is Legal Consultant and is engaged in the formulation of scientific opinions in various fields of environmental law. The firm's team is also trained in scientific fields and have rich experience combined with scientific, technological and legal knowledge. On the one hand - we understand the language of engineers and the terminology of the industrial world. We do not have all the answers in the field of engineering - but we know how to go down to the core of issues and to extract the right questions that need to be asked in order to understand the scientific and technological background that could be connected to relevant legal aspects. On the other hand - we make sure to deliver clear and unequivocal opinions to our customers, avoiding as far as possible high and hard-to-understand cryptic legal language, and rather strive that our opinions can eventually become a work tool on a daily basis.

We know that there are complex legal questions, for which a legal opinion cannot be formed without a thorough understanding of the issue in its entirety - simply put " how does this work ". It is very difficult, if not impossible, to enable exemptions of any product from the environmental or safety legislation, without understanding the composition of chemical materials and the product's modus operandi. For these things precisely we have been trained, and we are the best at it.